Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Countdown Has Begun!

With one week to go before we start our adventure, everyone is busy packing, re-packing, packing some more, and yes, re-packing yet again! :) Who knew it was going to be this hard?? I guess the fact that those of us also climbing Kilimanjaro have to pack for 4 different seasons presents a little problem when you are trying to limit yourself to one backpack and a carry-on! :)

For those of you who like to know details: We leave next Friday on the 29th and fly from Halifax to Toronto-Paris-Johannesburg-Maputo. It's a pretty long haul, arriving in Maputo on the 31st. The majority of our 20 person Habitat team from all over Canada will be meeting up and flying in to Maputo together from Johannesburg. From there we will travel a few hours by bus to Xai Xai (pronounced Shy Shy) along Mozambique's coastline to begin our build. We'll be busy building and exploring Mozambique for the first 10 days before heading in to South Africa for a 2 day safari at Kruger National Park! From there it's back to Moz where some team members will prepare to go home and  others will travel on to Tanzania for the Kili climb or to other parts of Africa.

Here's to the start of a new adventure! :)


  1. Sounds like an amazing trip - looking forward to hearing all about it!! :) <3

  2. You girls are great role models! I will have my 11 yr old and 6 yr old daughters following your travels along with me! Travel safe, we look forward to your posts! Lori

  3. It all sounds like a great start to a great adventure! I'll be following along throughout the next weeks.
